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Youth Oriented Life Long Learning Outcomes (YOL³O)
YOL³O is a program under the Illinois Youth Investment Program (IYIP). Administered through the Department of Human Services, the IYIP program provides support to at-risk youth who are ready to focus on an identified career path, sector, or industry-driven training. YOL³O is implemented in Cook County as well as the Lake County area through our Libertyville Office.

Improving Academic PerformanceThis includes time to do homework, tutoring in basic skills, and enrichment programs that encourage creativity. Outcomes • Participant will maintain or improve school attendance. • Participant will maintain or improve grades or progress reporting in school. • Participants will develop or improve career aspirations and choices. Developmental Assets • Participants are actively engaged in learning. • Participants are motivated and strive to do well in school •Participants are optimistic about a personal future and career
Life Skills EducationThis encompasses training and education that promotes the development of healthy lifestyles and encourages abstinence from risk-taking behaviors in the areas of alcohol and/or substance use, criminal activity, violence and sexual activity. Outcomes • Participants will increase knowledge of harmful effects of substance use and abuse. • Participants will increase knowledge of harmful effects of early sexual activity and pregnancy. • Participants will increase anger management and conflict resolution skills. • Participants will increase decision making and problem solving skills. • Participants will increase healthy nutritional choices Developmental Assets • Participants believe it is important not to use alcohol and other drugs. • Participants believe it is important not to be sexually active. • Participants seek to resolve conflict nonviolently. • Participants know how to plan ahead and make choices.
Parent InvolvementPrograms must provide opportunities for parents and/or guardians to meet with staff to discuss their children's activities, and to participate in events that strengthen parent/child bonds and community involvement. Outcomes • Increase in parental monitoring of academic performance. • Increase in understanding of child and adolescent developmental stages and appropriate expectations. • Increase in positive and effective communication with children and teens regarding alcohol, tobacco and other drug use, sexual activity, abstinence and other life skills. • Increase structured activities that promote positive family interaction. Developmental Assets • Parents are actively involved in helping the child succeed in school. • Parents understand child and adolescent developmental stages and have appropriate expectations. • Families have clear and consistent rules and consequences. • Parents and children communicate positively regarding alcohol, tobacco and other drug use, sexual activity, abstinence and other life skills. • Parents foster resilience. • Parents plan and spend time in structured activities that promote positive family interaction.
Recreation, Sports, Cultural, Artisical Activities"This includes providing activities and arranging safe outlets for youth to try new skills and develop new interests, to build friendships, find their place in a group, and gain developmentally relevant experiences. Outcomes • Provide opportunities for participants to engage in cultural enrichment and fine art activities. • Provide opportunities for participants to demonstrate sportsmanship and athletic skills. • Provide opportunities for participants to increase their level of activity. Developmental Assets • Participants demonstrate sportsmanship. • Participants believe it is important to follow rules. • Participants respect the ability and contribution of others. • Participants engage in activities that foster creativity and spirituality. • Participants demonstrate positive relationships with peers.
Service Learning ActivitiesService-learning is a method of teaching and learning that connects classroom lessons with meaningful service to the community. Students build academic skills while strengthening communities through service. Service learning combines service tasks with structured, youth-driven opportunities that link the task to self-reflection, self-discovery, and the acquisition and comprehension of values, skills and knowledge content with service tasks. Outcomes • Youth determine and meet real, defined community needs. • Youth learn beyond the classroom through active participation in service experiences. • Youth develop and use skills and knowledge in real-life situations. • Youth increase the amount of time spent to reflect by thinking, discussing and/or writing about service experiences. • Youth experience a sense of belonging to a community and an awareness of their responsibility to that community. Developmental Assets • Youth experience opportunities for experiential learning. • Youth are empowered to assume leadership roles. • Youth are involved in the decision making process. • Youth place a high value in helping others. Youth develop empathy for others. Youth believes that his/her life has a purpose. Youth engage in productive activities that build job and life skills and reinforce community-mindedness.
Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM)"Students must develop the skills to solve problems and make sense of complex information. The skills developed in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) are crucial because they impact almost every aspect of life. Afterschool Applicants cultivate STEM curiosity in young people. Learning STEM skills better prepare students for school and future careers. These skills are useful in all careers, not just STEM careers. Outcomes • Youth will demonstrate problem-solving skills within a scientific, mathematic or technological context. • Youth will learn how to work in teams and help to build relationships. • Youth will develop the ability to acquire and apply new knowledge as needed, using appropriate learning strategies. • Youth will be better prepared to enter the workforce. Developmental assets • Improve attitudes toward learning. • Improve behavior, self-confidence and overall well-being. • Improve decision making skills. • Develop long-term academic improvement. • Develop time management and organization skills
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